Shift #6: An Interconnected Church
May 20, 2024 - The ecological crisis we are in presents us with an opportunity to shift us from from splintered sects to creative collaborators. By James Amadon
The Art of Creation: Read the Book of Nature
March 21, 2024 - We welcome guest writer Christine Sine, who shares about how nature speaks to her of God and of God's purposes for her. By Christine Sine
The Art of Creation: Painting with Clouds
February 29, 2024 - You can find photographs of this well-known artist's work in art galleries, but viewing the original pieces which the photographs capture would often require some tramping and some very lucky timing to see in person. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Looking Outward, Looking Inward
September 21, 2023 - NASA doesn't only look outward away from the earth, it looks inward toward the earth as well. Its telescopes and and other instruments point at city lights, melting ice caps, phytoplankton blooms, and wildfires, as wells as stars as they form and explode. . By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: The Wonder of Rain
January 5, 2023 - This walking in the rain is really a very spiritual thing after all and there is great benefit in embracing and enjoying it whatever season I am in. By Christine Sine
Exodus 13-15: From Chaos to New Creation
November 29, 2022 - We've reached a decisive moment in the Exodus story. The Hebrews have left Egypt, but they are not yet free - one more confrontation awaits. By James Amadon
A Personal History in Creation Care: Introducing Dr. Joe Sheldon
November 21, 2022 - Meet Dr. Joe Sheldon, a Circlewood supporter who has a rich and interesting history in caring for creation—and teaching others to do so as well. By Joe Sheldon
Exodus 7-12: The Undoing of Egypt
Nov. 1, 2022 - I believe we need a new exodus, one that does not take us to a new promised land but roots us more firmly and justly right where we are. This will require humility, courage, and sacrifice - three things Pharaoh could not bring himself to embrace. Can we? By James Amadon
The Art of Creation: The Wonder of Sunsets
September 21, 2022 - A sunset is not primarily a photo opportunity. It is an invitation to join God in the closing of one day and experience hope at the beginning of the next, a chance to sing and dance and shout for joy at the changing beauty of each moment. By Christine Sine
Exodus for an Ecological Age
Sept. 12, 2022 - Exodus has captivated me since I first read a cartoon version as a child. I believe it has the power to speak to us in a fresh way as we face the increasingly harsh realities of a planet that is in bondage to Pharaonic forces. By James Amadon
The Doom Boom
August 8, 2022 - Last summer, I opened my front door on the third day of an extreme heat wave and stepped into a furnace of 110 degree heat. A heat dome had settled over the Pacific Northwest, and everything was baking. By James Amadon
I'm Back! Notes on a Transition in Progress
August 1 - Tears and laughter have been regular companions as we twist and turn our way through this moment. I'm sure you have been through something similar at some point in your life - after all, change is built into the very fabric of creation. By James Amadon
The Art of Creation: Re-Wondering the World
June 2, 2022 - Today, The Art of Creation welcomes back guest writer and Circlewood friend, Christine Sine as she reflects on names and wonder. By Christine Sine
Mountains of Prayer
May 9. 2022 - Most commentators and preachers focus on the centrality of solitude and prayer to the life and ministry of Jesus. What they rarely emphasize is the importance of place in these moments. By James Amadon
Lawn and Order
May 2, 2022 - A perfect lawn invites us to sit, lay, or play in its soft, green blanket. It presents us with an image of ecological health and connection. But this carefully constructed image masks multiple problems. By James Amadon
On Crows and Hope
April 11, 2022 - Guest writer Rick Mylander invites us to consider crows as a symbol of hope and connection.
Finding the Right Words
April 4, 2022 - How do we talk about something that is, for many people, a new and challenging perspective that has not been part of their vocabulary? By James Amadon
Embracing Adaptation
Feb. 21, 2022 - In 2015, my wife Debbie and had the remarkable opportunity to visit the Galapagos Islands. It opened a new world to us. By Mac Taylor
Living in Circles
Jan. 24, 2022 - A third and final reflection on Becoming Rooted, Randy Woodley's latest book of 100 short meditations to help us reconnect with the earth. By James Amadon
Think Before You Stomp
Jan. 17, 2022 - Another meditation from Randy Woodley's latest book, "Becoming Rooted." By James Amadon
Becoming Rooted
Jan. 10, 2022 - I do not make New Year's resolutions, but I do think about habits and patterns in my life that need to change. This month I invite you to meet my guide. By James Amadon
Hiding in Plain Sight #6 – Jesus is Not Just For Us
Dec. 27, 2021 - We think Jesus is all about humanity. But the Bible has a lot to say about Jesus' relationship with animals, if we have the eyes to see. By James Amadon
Hiding in Plain Sight #5: Creation Teaches Us How To Praise
Dec. 20, 2021 - By reading Psalm 148, through eco-theological lenses, we can begin to see (and hear) the symphony of praise that echoes through every nook and cranny of creation and calls us to join in. By James Amadon
Hiding in Plain Sight #3: The Law and Creation
Nov. 29, 2021 - If we look at the Law through ecological lenses we will find, hiding in plain sight, a dynamic way of life that is part of creation and given for the sake of creation. By James Amadon