As Louise and I turn our attention to the coming year, we are aware that, from a planetary perspective, we are entering a critical year in a critical decade. Many scientists have made the case that the 2020's will determine the extent of ecological damage - particularly climate change - that we will be dealing with for the next few centuries. The transformation of our collective consciousness and way of life is under way, but it must move faster.

We are also aware that there is no magic solution for this. It requires political and social change on a global scale, as well as billions of community-based solutions and personal actions. It also requires people of faith to recognize the failures of contemporary religious and spiritual life and to see the potential that a more ecologically-conscious faith brings to believers and non-believers alike.

The Ecological Disciple aims to serve this transformation, and we hope that the writing this year will continue to challenge and comfort you. We will continue to offer two weekly columns a week, and plan to add a third column focused on practical earthkeeping. We will also continue to look for ways to engage you, our readers. If you have feedback, please let us know. If you have questions or ideas you want us to look into, contact us. If you know someone who would make a great guest writer, or would like to submit your own writing, we welcome the offer.

We also ask you to consider sharing The Ecological Disciple with 3 friends or acquaintances who might enjoy it. You might forward one of your favorite posts to them or simply invite them to subscribe.

Thank you again for reading. I pray that this will be a transformative year for you, for your community, and for the planet we all call home.

With you on the Way,


Reach out to me at