How My Faith Has Shifted #7: Eco Discipleship of My Mind and Body
October 25, 2021 - I understand my relationship to this planet both through my body and through my mind; sometimes, when I am stuck in one area, I can lean into the other to grow and transform. By Josh Harper
How My Faith Has Shifted #6: Finding Connections on My Journey
October 18, 2021 - I see a shift in myself from enjoying and consuming creation to an awareness of the connectedness of all of creation and my responsibility to care for it, for the sake of all of it. By Tonya Wishart
How My Faith Has Shifted #5: Discovering God's Grandeur in Nature
October 11, 2021 - One iconic experience in particular was emblematic of two shifts in my theological thinking. By Gerald M. Erickson
How My Faith Has Shifted #4: Learning to Be a Caretaker
October 4, 2021 - I realized I have a bigger role here on earth then I had thought. This scared and excited me at the same time. By Julie Stapelman
How My Faith Has Shifted #3: How Creation Spirituality Enriched My Church Based Faith
September 20, 2020 - I began to see that holiness existed not just in church but in creation. By Rev. Elaine Breckenridge
How My Faith Has Shifted #2: The Pacific Northwest—A Moveable Classroom
September 19, 2021 - “What is a book, experience, person, moment or series of things in your life that has accelerated your understanding and practice of ecological discipleship?" I have such an easy answer! By Jessalyn Gentry
How My Faith Has Shifted #1: My Journey from Doubt to a Wildly Wonderful Understanding and Purpose
September 13, 2021 - We welcome our first guest writer to our blog, who says, "I learnt that my God is not aloof from me in my humanity nor this created world I live in." By Vidhya Chintala