Awakening With the Eyes of Nature: The Art of Susan Cohen Thompson
August 17, 2023 - Today, Circlewood friend and guest writer Elaine Breckenridge shares the work of Camano Island artist and neighbor Susan Cohen Thompson. Along with the art itself, Elaine shares how it has influenced her own understanding of the world around her. By Elaine Breckenridge
Practical Earthkeeping: Transforming a Septic Drainfield and More
July 4, 2022 - Today we welcome back Rev. Elaine Breckenridge as our guest writer as she shares a significant earthkeeping project from her own back yard. by Rev. Elaine Breckenridge
How My Faith Has Shifted #3: How Creation Spirituality Enriched My Church Based Faith
September 20, 2020 - I began to see that holiness existed not just in church but in creation. By Rev. Elaine Breckenridge