The Art of Creation: The Beauty of Wasting Nothing
October 19, 2023 - In 2003, Kamikatsu, Japan made a bold goal– to become a zero-waste municipality by 2020. As the first Japanese town to have the goal of entirely eliminating waste from within its borders, it moved into a very bright spotlight. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Following the Trail of Pollen
July 20, 2023 - Part zoo, part theme park, part interactive museum, and part time travel machine, Pollinator Park is a free interactive virtual experience intended to create a fun, educational, and emotionally engaging entrance into the world of pollinators. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Infusion of Light
February 2, 2023 - The Rosary Chapel, created by Henri Matisse, though very controversial at the time of its creation due to the artist's particular style and history, is, to me, a portrayal of how the Church and Creation collaboratively infuse beauty into each other. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Designing with Cardboard
October 13, 2022 - That a well-known architect has found a way to convert commonly discarded items into usable construction materials is an amazing feat of creativity and frugality. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Up on the Rooftop
May 25, 2022 - On the Rangsit campus of Thammasat University, Thailand, an ingenious rooftop is an example of a multifaceted solution that addresses challenges of climate change while providing significant other benefits at the same time. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Simple Does It
February 24, 2022 - How was an overgrown dumping spot turned into a valuable environmental and community resource? The answer is actually quite simple. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Natural Designs
January 20, 2022 - Using keen observation skills and an aptitude for creative solutions, people in northeastern India have, for at least 500 years, built bridges that require only a particular kind of tree, patience, time, and diligent effort and cooperation. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Not Just the Honeybee
October 14, 2021 - This piece of art both invites the viewer to marvel at the tiny creatures called bees and also invites those bees themselves to inhabit its walls, transforming itself into a living work of art. By Louise Conner
The Art of Creation: Patterned on Nature
September 9, 2021 - In Barcelona, Spain, a park originally designed to be a housing complex for the well-to-do, is a showcase for some of the most innovative and creative skills of a renowned architect known for his love of God and his love of nature. By Louise Conner