We (the editors of this journal) hope that The Ecological Disciple has blessed and challenged you. Our team works hard to publish writing each week that is thoughtful, helpful, and creative. Our Managing Editor and Art of Creation columnist, Louise Conner, connects us to artists who help us see creation through new lenses. Our Practical Earthkeeping columnist, Jessalyn Gentry, shares first-person earthkeeping stories to help us imagine new ways of living. Our Editor, James Amadon, writes about the biblical and theological foundations of ecological discipleship, as well as ecological leadership. We also include guest authors who bring new ideas and perspectives to the journal.
One of the motivations behind the journal is the desire to be a helpful resource for the growing number of disciples in communities around the globe who are seeking to "follow Jesus from the ground up." Though the journal is only a few years old, it has been gratifying to see subscriber numbers grow (300+), online readership expand (1,000+ website visits per month), and the journal resonating across geographical and cultural boundaries (articles read in 120 countries, and translated into 21 languages). Thank you for being part of this community.

Good writing is slow work. One word is chosen, then another, and another, until sentences, paragraphs, stories, and arguments take shape. Then the real work begins: we finish a first draft, and then submit the work to a collaborative editing and rewriting process until a final version is ready for publishing. Then we begin again. This takes patience and persistence - what we have been calling "staying the course."
"Staying the course" also requires resources. The Ecological Disciple is free to subscribers, but it is not free to produce. Everything we do is made possible by supporters of Circlewood, our parent ministry. In addition to this journal, Circlewood also produces a podcast, offers educational programs, and is building a sustainable retreat and learning center on Camano Island. If you are unfamiliar with Circlewood's work, I invite you to visit our website and sign up for our email newsletter.
We recently began planning for the next phase of the journal's development. Part of this involved the design and development of a new logo and website. The logo, which you can see below, was designed by a Circlewood supporter.

The image is a symbol of growth and possibility. We are ready to reach and serve more "ecological disciples" by expanding the journal's work and reach. This will involve adding new guest writers, publishing collections of our work, and making the journal easier to find and explore. To do this, we need your help.
If you are interested in helping The Ecological Disciple grow and reach new people, I encourage you to give a year-end gift. Any amount is welcome and helpful, and also makes you part of the Circlewood Stand, our awesome community of partners. Many thanks to those of you who have already joined the Stand!
If you are not able to offer financial support at this time, we understand. The journal will remain free and open to all. Please keep reading, and do not hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas with us.
With you on the Way,
James, Louise, and Jessalyn