Members Mailbag #1

Welcome to the first "Members Mailbag." For this special post, only subscribers will recieve it by email and be able to see it on the website.

Thank you to everyone who responded. I loved reading your questions, resource recommendations, and practical suggestions. I have tried to include something from everyone who submitted responses. Let's get started!


Our first response addresses two questions. Rick Mylander wrote that he finds it interesting how responsibility for earth's exploitation gets laid at the feet of the Christian church, and largely its evangelical wing. He acknowledges that there is certainly shared guilt through omission, commission and complicity, but wonders, “What is the true substance of this charge?” J.Paul Fridenmaker gives us a partial answer, noting that churches and seminaries do not give much time to teaching ecology, the environment, and faith. He feels like many Christians have given the issue to the ‘other side’ because “the earth is not our home.” J.Paul wants to know, “How can we counter this argument from a biblical and theological point of view?”